Everything about know-how

All posts from category know-how

Hop harvest 2021: Good quality, rich in alpha acids

Hop harvest 2021: Good quality, rich in alpha acids

Dr. Johann Pichlmaier is one of Germany’s leading hop experts. He talks to us about the quality of the German hop harvest in 2021, the challenges of an increasingly global market, the latest trends in the types of crops, and the impact of the craft beer boom on international hop demand.
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Tin recycling: A cycle just as round as a party keg!

Tin recycling: A cycle just as round as a party keg!

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for customers. This is also true when it comes to packaging. 85% of consumers state that it matters to them when making purchasing decisions. That is why Envases uses tin for their packaging, which can be recycled by 90,4% without any cutbacks in quality. This kind of packaging material stands for a closed material cycle, multiple re-use and secured protection of the filling.
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Convince with knowledge

Always at the top with a lot of know-how


A world market leader can only stay at the top if he can always demonstrate an advantage in knowledge. That is why ENVASES always strives for the latest studies, visions and information.